Ina’s Fashion Adorable , Ex1, CAC, CACIB , BOS and Crufts Qualification 2015!
Judge: Gunis Miroslav /SK
Prague International -03.05.2014
Trendon Kennel Club-USA 04.05.2014
Ina’s Fashion Admirable , Winners Dog with Major!!!
Judge: Rosemarie Crandahl /AZ
International show-Lingen-27.04.2014
Ina’s Fashion Authentic Ex1,CAC,VDH,CACIB, Best Female , BOB and Reserve Best In Group!!!
Ina’s Fashion Artist Ex1,CAC,VDH,CACIB, Best Male, and BOS !
Breed Judge: Mr W.Buitenkamp/B
Group Judge:Mr B.Rajic/SLO
Sightound Specialty- Country Winner-Hoope- 18.04.2014
Epic Majestic made his impressive depute as Very Promising, BOB puppy and BEST IN SHOW PUPPY!!!
Ina’s Fashion Artist was Ex1 in Junior Class, JCAC,JVDH, completing both his Junior Championships (VDH &DWZRV) JBOB,Landesjugendsieger-14, Best Male , BOB and even shortlisted in the 4 Best for Junior Best in Show and Best in Show!!!
Ina’s Fashion Authentic was Ex1 in Intermediate Class, CAC,VDH , Landessieger-14 , Best Female and BOS!
Ina’s Fashion Avant-Garde was Ex1 in Junior Class , JCAC, JVDH, Landesjugendsieger-14 and JBOS!
Ina’s Fashion was also BEST IN SHOW Breeders Group.
Breed and BIS judges:Mrs Waltraud Peschges and Mr Joachim Dux /DE
National Show Bjelovar – 02.03.2014
Ina’s Fashion Amazing was Ex1, CAC, BOB and Best In Group 3!!!
Judge:Mr Smolic /CRO
Sightound Specialty- Ostercappeln – 29.03.2014
Ina’s Fashion Avant-Garde was Ex1 , VDH , RCAC .
Judge: R.Bennemann /DE
National Show Tallinn – 02.03.2014
Ina’s Fashion Aristocrat Ex 1, CQ, JCAC , JBOB finishing his EE Junior Championship and Finally Best Male and BOS!!!
Judge Zeljko Gajic / SL
Rockland County Kennel Club – 22&23.02.2014
Ina’s Fashion Admirable was Best of Breed over Champions with 2 points the first day and shortlisted in the Hound Group.
Second day winning again BOB over Champions with 4 points(Major)
Breed Judges:Susan M. Carr and Helene Nietsch.
Handled by Lesley Anne Potts.
International show BRNO – Czech- 22.02.14
Ina’s Fashion Adorable was Ex1 , CAC , CACIB and BOS.
Judge: Pocas Joao Vasco (Portugal)