Ina’s Fashion Blessed Ex1 in Junior Class, JCAC , Junior Best Of Breed and Junior Best in Group!
Breed Judge: Mr Gerard Jipping/ NL
JBIG Judge: Mr Horst Kliebenstein / DE
Luxembourg International Show – 28.03.2015
Turku International show Finland 28.03.2015
Ina’s Fashion Beloved Ex1 in Junior Class , CQ , Best Male , CERT and BOS
Ina’s Fashion Aristocrat Ex1 in Open Class , CQ , Best Male 2 , CACIB and ResCERT.
Judge:Mr Stefan Sinko
Ostercappeln Sighthound Specialty -28.03.2015
Ina’s Fashion Authentic Ex1 in Open class, VDH, CAC, Best Female and Best of Breed!
Ina’s Fashion Bright Ex1 in Junior class, JVDH , JCAC and Junior Best of Breed !
Ina’s Fashion Artist Ex1 in Open class , VDH and CAC
Judge:Mrs Beatrix Maerki Casanova
New Brunswick Kennel Club show US – 21.03.2015
Ina’s Fashion Admirable wins Best Of Breed earning all points needed and he is now American Champion!!!
Judge:Francisco Chapa /Mexico
The Greyhound Club show UK – 15.03.2015
Ina’s Fashion Blissfully Boughton at the age of 13.5 months old out of Junior Class was BEST IN SHOW!!!
Judge: Breed Specialist Olga Gorbatsojva / EST
photos by Lisa Foxworthy Stine
St.Patrick Champinship show Ireland- 14.03.2015
Ina’s Fashion Avant-Garde 1st in Open Class, Green Star , Celtic Winner , Qualified Crufts 2016 and BOB
Ina’s Fashion Breathtaking 1st in Junior Class, Reserve Green Star , Celtic Junior Winner 2015 and Qualified Crufts 2016.
Judge:Mr J.J.Walsh /IRL
Crufts 2015- Birmingham 07.03.2015
Ina’s Fashion Bright 1st in Junior Class Females
Ina’s Fashion Blessed 2nd in Junior Class Males
Ina’s Fashion Blissfully Boughton 3rd in Junior Class Males
Ina’s Fashion Authentic placed VHC (Very Highly Commended) in Limit Class.
Judge: J.Dove/ UK
photos by Lisa Foxworthy Stine
Bougthon Baggio x GR SE UCH Epic Invincible
14 puppies (7 boys /7 girls)
Born on 19.12.2014
Kent County Open show – 01.03.2015
Ina’s Fashion Blissfully Boughton BAVNSC in a class of 37 and Group3 at the age of 13 months old!
Judge: Carole Neale
Matrini International show Groningen – 28.02.2015
Ina’s Fashion Blessed Ex1 in Junior Class , JCAC , JBOB , Junior Benelux Winner, Best Male , Benelux Winner 2015 and Best of Breed at the age of 13 months old!!!!
Ina’s Fashion Authentic Ex1 in Open Class, RCAC ,RCACIB
Judge:Mr Hearn /AU