US CH Ina’s Fashion Admirable winning BOB!
Judge: S.Brewster
Trenton Kennel Club USA- 04.05.2015
Sighthound Specialty Hünstetten – 02.05.2015
Ina’s Fashion Bright Ex1 in Junior Class and BOB Junior
Ina’s Fashion Authentic RCAC , RVDH
Ina’s Fashion Blessed Ex1 Intermediate class , VDH and RCAC.
Judge: Bjorn Fritz/DE
Fermoy Champion Show Ireland- 02.05.2015
Ina’s Fashion Confident Cufodhla BOB puppy
Ina’s Fashion Breathtaking , 1st in Junior Class, New Irish Junior Champion , Res.Green Star and Res.CACIB
Ina’s Fashion Avant-Garde at Cufodhla , 1st in open class , Green Star , CACIB and BOB !!!
Judge: M.Croeser
Athens International and National shows 02&03.05.2015
Ina’s Fashion Cardinal , 4.5 months old winning BOB Baby in all 3 shows with lovely critics.
INT show Judges: Bruno Nodalli /IT and Juan Nevada /ES
National Specialty for Group 10 Judge: Janelle Robbins /AU
Västeras National show – Sweden – 26.04.2015
Ina’s Fashion Authentic Ex1 in Open Class , CK, RCC and Best Female 2
Ina’s Fashion Bright Ex1 in Junior Class, CK and Best Female 3.
Judge: Sighthound Specialist Nicklas Eriksson /SE
Sighthound Specialty Darmstadt- 25.04.2015
Ina’s Fashion Blessed , Ex1 in Junior Class, JCAC, JVDH, New Junior Champion ,Junior BOB , Best Male , BOB , Junior Best In Show and shortlisted in the 3 Best In Show !
Breed and BIS Judge: Ingrid Krah-Heiermann/ DE
JBIS Judge:Lazlo Erdös /HU
International show Ceske Budejovice-Czech Republic -25.04.2015
Ina’s Fashion Adorable Ex1, CAC, CACIB , Best Female ,BOB and New International FCI Champion.
Judge:Robert Blümel
Camberley and District CS- UK – 19.04.2015
Ina’s Fashion Blissfully Boughton winning BAVNSC and finishing as Best of Hound Group at the age of 14.5 months old.
Judge: Claire Chryssolor
Eastern classic CH show Ireland- 05.04.2015
Ina’s Fashion Breathtaking 1st in Junior class , 4th point towrds her Junior Irish Championship.
Ina’s Fashion Avant-Garde 1st in Open class , Green Star and Res Best Of Breed
Combined Canine Club INT Ch show Ireland- 04.04.2015
Ina ‘s Fashion Breathtaking 1st in Junior class and 3rd point for her Irish Junior Championship
Ina’s Fashion Avant-Garde 1st in Open class , RGS and RCACIB