Ina’s Fashion Charming , HP1 and Best Of Breed Puppy
Ina’s Fashion Beloved ex1 , CQ , Best Male , CAC , CACIB and Best of Breed!
Judge: Frisk Svante /SE
Ina’s Fashion Charming , HP1 and Best Of Breed Puppy
Ina’s Fashion Beloved ex1 , CQ , Best Male , CAC , CACIB and Best of Breed!
Judge: Frisk Svante /SE
Ina’s Fashion Cinematic Solstice on his show Debut , BOB Puppy !
Judge:Linda Scanlon
Ina’s Fashion Cinematic Solstice went Reserve Winner’s Dog (to a 5 point Major)
Judge:Barbara O’Neill
Ina’s Fashion Confident Cufodhla , 1st Puppy Dog , Green Star and BOB
Ina’s Fashion Breathtaking, 1st Intermediate and Res.Green Star
Ina’s Fashion Avant-Garde at Cufodhla , 1st Open and Green Star completing her Irish Championship!
Judge:Ms L Appleby
Ina’s Fashion Catchy, Best of Breed Puppy
Judge: Mr. Bredaut (FR)
Ina’s Fashion Catchy, Best of Breed Puppy
Judge: Mr. Alain Dumortier (FR)
Ina’s Fashion Admirable Best of Breed and shortlisted in a strong Hound Group!
Ina’s Fashion Classic went Winners Dog.
Judge:Joan Goldstein
Ina’s Fashion Confident Cufodhla, Green Star Dog and Best of Breed at the age of not even 7 months old!
Ina’s Fashion Avant-Garde 1st in Open Class, Green Star, Best Female and BOS
Ina’s Fashion Breathtaking , 1st Junior , Res.Green Star
Judge:Mrs M Mulvaney
Ina’s Fashion Chic, BOB Puppy and BEST IN SHOW Puppy!!!
Ina’s Fashion Blessed , Ex1 in Junior Class, Junior Club Winner 2015, BOB Junior, Best Male , Best Of Breed, BEST IN SHOW Junior and #2 BEST IN SHOW!!!
Ina’s Fashion Bright, Ex1 in Junior Class, Junior Club Winner 2015 , BOS Junior , Best Female and BOS
Ina’s Fashion Authentic , Ex1 in Champion Class and Res.Club Winner
19 Greyhounds entered
Breed Judge : Breed Specialist Prof.Dr.P.Friedrich (Tahuaras Greyhounds)
BIS Puppy Judge: Sighthound Specialist Marion Marpe
BIS Junior and BIS Judge: Breed Specialist Olaf Knauber
Ina’s Fashion Catchy BEST IN SHOW Puppy #2 of all Breeds!
Breed Judge : Christophe Coppel
BIS Judge: Mrs Tompousky
Ina’s Fashion Beloved Ex1 in Junior Class , CQ , Best Male , CAC , JBOS and BOS.
Judge: Saija Juutilainen / FI