Danish Sighthound Club Show – 23.08.2015

Ina’s Fashion Bright , ex1 , CK , BOB Intermediate , Best Female#2 , CERT and BEST IN SHOW Intermediate!!!

Ina’s Fashion Blissfully Boughton , ex1 , CK , BOS Intermediate , Best Male#3 and RCERT

Ina’s Fashion Authentic , Ex1 In Open Class, Best Female#3 and RCERT

Judge: Stephen Wheeler/Spain

BIS Intermediate Judge: Frederic Maison/ FR

FCI EuroSighthound 2015 Denmark – 22.08.2015

(22 Greyhounds entered)

Ina’s Fashion Blissfully Boughton , ex1 in Intermediate , CK , Best Male , FCI Euro Sighthound Winner 2015 , CERT, BEST OF BREED and Intermediate Reserve Best In Show

Ina’s Fashion Bright , ex1 in Intermediate , CK, Best Female , FCI Euro Sighthound Winner 2015 , CERT and BOS

Ina’s Fashion Authentic ex2 in Open Class, CK and Best Female#4

Ina’s Fashion Chic, BOB Puppy and FCI Eurosighthound Best In Show Puppy finishing her puppy Career with 4 Best In Shows (shown 6 times in total)

Breed Judge: Frederic Maison/FR

BIS Intermediate Judge: Knut Blutecher /NO

BIS Puppy Judge: Jean Brixhe/BE

Donaueschingen Sighthound Festival 2015

Donaueschingen Winner Show 01.08.2015 – (66 Greyhounds entered)

Ina’s Fashion Bright , Ex1 in Intermediate Class, CAC Winner, Best Female , Donaueschingen Winner 2015 , Best Of Breed and Best In Show#4 in a Beautiful strong Competition from all around Europe.

Ina’s Fashion Chic , Very Promising 1 , Best Female Puppy and BOS Puppy!

Ina’s Fashion Captivating , Very Promising puppy Female 2

Ina’s Fashion Blessed , ex1 in Intermediate

Ina’s Fashion Authentic ex3 In Champion Class

Ina’s Fashion Adorable , Ex in Open Class

Epic Known , Ex in Champion Class

Breed Judge: Breed Specialist Frans Gerritsen/ NL (Velocity Greyhounds)

BIS Judge: Ute Lennartz/ DE (Mata Salamatas Salukis)

Day 2- 02.08.2015

Ina’s Fashion Chic , Very Promising 1 , Best Female Puppy and BOB Puppy!

Ina’s Fashion Captivating , Very Promising puppy Female 2

Ina’s Fashion Bright ex1 in Intermediate and once again the CAC Winner!

Ina’s Fashion Blessed , ex2 in Intermediate

Ina’s Fashion Adorable , ex3 in a Huge Open Class

Epic Known ex3 in Champion Class

Ina’s Fashion Authentic ex3 In Champion Class

Judge:Michael Canalizo/ USA
