Ina’s Fashion Breathtaking wins Green Star Best Of Breed and Group4
Breed judge: Mrs L Cox/IR
Group judge: Mr Laurent Prichard/Switzerland
Munster Agricultural Championship show, Ireland – 23.07.2016
Kartano Sighthound Specialty, Finland – 16.07.2016
Ina’s Fashion Beloved , Ex1 in Champion class , CQ , Best Male and BOS!
Ina’s Fashion Charming , Ex1 in Intermediate Class , CQ and RCERT
Judge: Tomasz Borkowski, Poland
Finnish Greyhound Club Specialty show – 03.07.2016
Ina’s Fashion Beloved, Ex2 in Champion class , CQ and Best Male#2
Ina’s Fashion Charming, Ex4 in Intermediate class.
Judge: Breed specialist Gilberto Grandi (Della Caveja Greyhounds- Italy)
Windsor Championship Show , UK – 02.07.2016
Ina’s Fashion Blissfully Boughton CC winner and BOB !
Judge: Sighthound Specialist Graham Hill/ UK
(35 Greyhounds entered)
Finnish Sighthound Specialty, Hyvinkää – 02.07.2016
Ina’s Fashion Beloved, Ex1 in Champion class , CQ, Best Male and BOS.
Ina’s Fashion Charming Ex2 in Intermediate Class
Judge:Sighthound Specialist Wilfriede Schwerm-Hahne/DE
(19 Greyhounds entered)
Ostercappeln Sighthound Specialty, Germany – 18.06.2016
Ina’s Fashion Bright , Ex1, VDH, CAC and BOB completing all Requirements for her German Championship* ( VDH & DWZRV) as well as her Danish Championship*
*Subjects to be confirmed
Ina’s Fashion Artist , Ex1 in CH class , VDH and BOS.
Judge: Mr F.Geritsen /NL ( Velocity Greyhounds)
Kotka International show Finland – 18.06.2016
Ina’s Fashion Charming JUN EXC/ 1 CQ BM-2 CERT BOB Junior.
Ina’s Fashion Beloved CH EXC/ 1 CQ BM-1 CACIB BOB
Judge: Matti Tuominen/FI
Latvian Sighthound Specialty – 12.06.2016
Ina’s Fashion Charming, Ex1 , CQ,CAC and Best Male#3
Judge: Andre Van den Broek/NL
Latvian Winner Show, Riga – 11.06.2016
Ina’s Fashion Beloved, Ex2 in Champion class, CQ, CAC, New Latvian Champion and Best Male#3
Judge: Iveta Vojtekova/SK
Estonian Winner International Show – 05.06.2016
Ina’s Fashion Aristocrat Ex1, SERT, New Estonian Champion , Best Male , CACIB, Estonian Winner 2016 and Best of Breed.
Judge: Anne Klaas/EST
(7Greyhounds Entered)