Ina’s Fashion Catchy, Ex1 in Intermediate class and RCACS.
Judge: Mr. Jean-Louis Grünheid/FR
International Show Orléans, France – 09.10.2016
National & International Autumn shows, Cyprus – 01&02.10.2016
Ina’s Fashion Continental, 4xBest Of Breed , 4xCAC ,New Cypriot Champion, 2xCACIB , 2xReserve Best in Group and 2xBIG3.
FCI 8/7 & 10 show Tuulos, Finland – 02.10.2016
Ina´s Fashion Charming Ex1, CQ CAC BM-1 and Best of Breed
Judge Jelena Kruus, Estonia
International show Rostock, Germany – 01.10.2016
Ina’s Fashion Chic from intermediate class CAC, CACIB, Best Female over champions , Rostock Winner 2016, Best of Breed and Best in Group #3
With this win she completes all requirements for earning the “German Kennel Club Year Winner 2016” which is the ticket to compete in the national finals for the Eukanuba World Challenge representative for Germany!
Breed Judge: sighthound specialist Mrs Ingrid Krah-Heiermann/DE .
Group judge:Mr Rainer Jacobs/DE
German Winner International show Leipzig – 21.08.2016
Ina’s Fashion Chic, just 19 months old , Ex1 from intermediate class ,CAC, VDH , CACIB , German Winner 2016, BEST OF BREED and Reserve BEST IN GROUP!
Ina’s Fashion Blessed ,Ex1, VDH, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, German Winner 2016 and BOS
Ina’s Fashion Bright, Ex1, VDH, RCACIB.
Breed and Group Judge:Sighthound Specialist, Vlastislav Vojtek (Gandamak Afghans/SK)
Donaueschingen Sighthound festival – 13&14.08.2016
Ina’s Fashion Greyhounds at the competition of Top 10 Breeders group in an entry of 44 groups(Not all present)
BEST IN SHOW BREEDERS GROUP #5 (Day1) under Mrs Gabriela Veiga (PT)
BEST IN SHOW BREEDERS GROUP #4 (Day2) under Mrs Bjørg Foss (NO)
3x International Shows Druskininkai , Lithuania – 05-07.08.2016
Inas´s Fashion Aristocrat Ex1, CAC, New LT Ch , CACIB ,New International champion, Crufts Qualification 2017 and Best Of Breed.
Ina´s Fashion Beloved Ex1 , CAC and RCACIB
Judge:Jussi Liimatainen/FI
Strömsholm Sighthound specialty Sweden – 31.07.2016
Ina’s Fashion Blessed Ex1 in open class , CK (Champion Quality) , Best Male #3 and RCC.
Ina’s Fashion Bravado Ex2 in open class
Judge: Breed specialist Gilberto Grandi/IT
Kartano All Breed Summer Show, Finland – 24.07.2016
Ina’s Fashion Beloved , Ex1 in Champion Class, CQ , Best Male, BOB and Reserve Best In Group.
Ina’s Fashion Charming Ex1 in intermediate class , CQ , CAC and Best Male 2
Judge: Henry Stanley/IR
Hannover Sighthound Specialty, Germany – 23.07.2016
Ina’s Fashion Bright , Ex1 in Champion Class , VDH , Best Female , Country Winner (Niedersachsen /Sachsen-Anhalt ) 2016 Best of Breed and Best in Show #5 in an entry of 246 Sighthounds
Ina’s Fashion Angelic Ex1 in open class , CAC winner and VDH.
Breed and BIS judge: Sighthound specialist Marion Marpe/DE