Ina’s Fashion Bold
Friday 15.09.2017 BOB& BEST IN GROUP!
Judge:Dr.T Borkowski (Poland)
Saturday 16.09.2017 BOB& BEST IN GROUP!
Judge:Dr M Supronowicz (Poland)
Sunday 17.09.2017 BOB& Res.BEST IN GROUP!
Judge: Mr O Toyokawa (Japan)
And at extra Ltd Group for Hounds BOB& BEST IN GROUP#4!
Judge:Ms Edna St Hilaire (Canada)
And now he is a new Canadian Champion!
Chilliwack shows, Canada – 15-17.09.2017
Tampere FCI 9 & 10 Kauppi Kekrit show, Finland – 17.09.2017
Breed Judge:Petter Fodstad/NO
Group Judge:Vlatislav Vojtek/SK
BIS Judge:Carl-Gunnar Stafberg/SE
Handled by Riikka Nieminen
Photo by Kari Lehtomma
Eskilstuna National Show, Sweden – 19.08.2017
Ina’s Fashion Bravado earning his crowning CC, New Swedish Champion* and Best Of Breed
Judge:Sighthound specialist Brett Hamilton/AU
(* subject to be confirmed by the SKK)
Donaueschingen Sighthound Festival 2017
Eukanuba Pink international Show, Helsinki, Finland – 30.07.2017
Ina’s Fashion Beloved , Ex1, CQ, Best Male , CACIB and BOS.
Judge: Pocas Joao Vasco/PG
Skokloster Summer show at Stromsholm castle, Sweden – 30.07.2017
Ina’s Fashion Bravado , Ex1 in open class, CK and Best Male #4.
Judge:Wilfriede Schwerm-Hahne/DE
Lompoc Kennel Club shows, California, USA – 29&30.07.2017
Ina’s Fashion Cinematic Solstice, Reserve Winners Dog both days.
Judges: Pat Trotter (Saturday)USA and Nancy Leising (Sunday)/USA
Western Gazehound Specialty Show, Hazelmere Park, Surrey Canada – 29.07.2017
Ina’s Fashion Bold, Best of Winners and BOS.
Judge:Joy Hodgkinson/Canada.
Köping International show, Sweden – 22.07.2017
Ina’s Fashion Bravado winning CC,CACIB and Best of Breed.
Judge:Sighthound specialist Marie Gadolin/SE
Hannover Sighthound Specialty, Germany – 22.07.2017
Sobers Amadeus Karkati, winning his 3rd German CAC ,Best Male, Best Of Breed and SPECIALTY BEST IN SHOW in an entry of almost 200 Sighthounds!(7 Greyhounds)
Breed Judge: Evelyn Kirsch(Ischyma Borzois)
BIS judge: Sighthound Specialist Wilfriede Schwerm-Hahne/DE