”Celine” aka Epic Invincible, 2 years old, shown today at Visby International show and she was 1st in Open class with excellent , Certifikat becoming a SWEDISH CHAMPION , RCACIB and she was also Best Bitch 2.(12greyhounds entered)Judge: Rouli Kantzou (Greece)
Skokloster Sighthound summer show 25.07.2011
Second show for Leona and she was BOB baby and in finals BEST IN SHOW Baby.Breed judge: Age Gjetnes(Norway) BIS judge:Nicklas Eriksson(Sweden)
Lövudden-Västerås Greyhound club specialty 24.07.2011
Impressive show debut for ”Leona” aka Epic Known going Best in Show Baby!!!Judge:Clare Boggia (Boughton kennel-UK)
Swedish Greyhound club specialty show -Tånga Hed 19.06.2011
Celine was BOB Intermediate and BB4Also Celine with Epic winning BOB Breeders Group.Gabi was 2nd in Champion Class.I also showed sweet ”Lille-Brorsan” aka Epic Jimdandy winning BOB puppy.Judge: Inger Johansson (Skyings kennel)
Stockholm kennel club-Vallentuna international 29.05.2011
Celine, 1st in class, CC, BB3 and in breedersgroup with EPIC, BIS2!!!!Gabi , 3rd in Champion class. Breed judge: Robert Whitney (Canada)
Uppsala kennel club-Österbybruk national 28.05.2011
Celine at 22 months old,1st in her class,RCC and shown with the red dream EPIC team for breedersgroup (Glorious, Hedonistic, Hallowed, Invincible) winning BIS!!!Gabi, 3rd in Champion class and BB4.Breed Judge: Inga Siil (Estonia) Breeders group judge: Annika Ulltveit Moe
Hässleholm International show 21.05.2011
”Gabi” did it once again ….BOB, CERT, CACIB and she is now a Swedish Champion (SE UCH)”Celine” was best bitch 2 and RCERT, RCACIB.Judge: Kresten Scheel (Denmark)
Athens International show (KOE) 14&15.05.2011
2 days at International show and both days same results!!!”Gabi ”, BIS C.I.B Multi Ch Imladris Moonshine Fashion, got 2xBOB,2xCAC,2xCACIB, Crufts qualification 2012 and both days BIG-3”Celine”, Epic Invincible, got Best Bitch-2, 2xRCAC,2xRCACIB and she is now a new GREEK CHAMPION.Judges:Krystyna Opara (14.05.11) and Janusz Opara(15.05.11)
Athens Diana International show (OKA) 03.04.2011
Epic Invincible aka ”Celine” was BOB,CAC,CACIB under José Vidal Montero (Venezuela)
Athens Diana International show (OKA) 02.04.2011
”Celine” Epic Invincible was BOB,CAC,CACIB under Javier Sanchez Fernandez (Spain) and finally BIG-4 under José Vidal Montero (Venezuela)