JWW-12 NordJW-11 LJS-12 DE JCH Epic Known was ex1 in Intermediate class , Best Bitch, VDH, CAC and BOB!!! SE GR CH Epic Invincible was Ex3 in Open class. (12 greyhounds entered 2/10) Judge: Mrs Peschges (DE)
Sighthound specialty Klaffenback- 22.07.2012
”Celine” aka GR SE CH Epic Invincible was excellent1 in open class , VDH , CAC and Best Bitch 2.Judge:B. Piesik (DE)
Sighthound specialty Garbsen- 21.07.2012
”Leona” aka JWW-12 NORD JW-11 LS JW-12 Epic Known was Excellent1 in Junior class with JVDH, JCAC , becoming a German Junior Champion, JBOS, Best Bitch of Breed and BOS.Judge: W.Buitenkamp(NL)
Sighthound specialty Hoisdorf- 26.05.2012
Leona aka JWW-12 NORD JW-11 LS JW-12 EPIC KNOWN was JuniorBOB , Best Bitch ,JVDH, JCAC, and finally BOB!!!Judge: B.Wamberg(DK)
WORLD DOG SHOW 2012-Salzburg-18.05.2012
Leona aka Nord JW-11 LS JW-12 Epic Known was excellent1 in junior class, JBOS and JUNIOR WORLD WINNER 2012
Sighthound Specialty (DWZRV) LS-Grossenaspe-31.03.2012
Leona aka ”NORD JW-11 Epic Known” at the age of 13months old won the junior class with exellent, won Junior BOB , was Best Bitch, JCAC,JVDH, was BOS and has a new title JLS winner-12. Finally she finished her day by winning another specialty BEST IN SHOW this time as a junior!!!!Judge:Petrusova (Cz)
Langerwisch- Sighthound specialty- 19.02.2012
Gabi aka C.I.B BIS MULTI CH IMLADRIS MOONSHINE FASHION was Best Bitch and BOB with VDH! Luna aka C.I.B PL PLJ CH IMLADRIS MOONSHINE PRELUDE was ex1 in open class with CAC and VDH! Judge: Angelika Kammerscheid-Lammers
NORDISK WINNER-Stockholm Hundmässa-11.12.2011
Leona aka ”Epic Known” almost 10 months old, 1st in junior class with excellent , CK, RCERT and NORD-JWINNER2011. Celine aka ”Epic Invincible” 2,5years old, 3rd in Champion class with Excellent, CK and BB4.
Swedish Sighthound Club Specialty – Vallentuna- 16.10.2011
”Celine” aka Epic Invincible for the 1st time in Champion class and the youngest one, she was placed 2nd with excellent,CK and was also Best Bitch2!!! ”Leona” aka Epic Known was BBpuppy2 with Price of Honour. Judge: Outi Piisi-Putta (Finland)
Gotlands Kennelklubbs-Follingbo 08.10.2011
”Leona” had her 1st indoor show experience going BOB puppyJudge:Gerty Broman(Sweden)