Ina’s Fashion Admirable got Winners Dog!!! Judge: Frank Sabella /USA
Sighthound specialty -Hoisdorf -07.09.2013
Ina’s Fashion Authentic Ex1 in Junior Class, JVDH,JCAC, JBOB , Best Female , BOB and JUNIOR BEST IN SHOW and BEST IN SHOW-3 !!!! Ina’s Fashion Attitude Ex1 in Junior Class, JVDH, JCAC, JBOS , Best Male and BOSIna’s Fashion Angelic Ex2 in Junior Class, RJVDH,RCAC. BEST IN SHOW BREEDERS GROUP!!! Breed and JBIS Judge: […]
National show-Samobor-Croatia -07.09.2013
Ina’s Fashion Amazing , Ex1 in Junior Class, JCAC and JBOS.Judge:Mr Davor Javor/CRO
National de Sorges en Perigord- 01.09.2013
Ina’s Fashion Artdeco , Ex1 in Junior Class, JCAC and JBOB!Judge:Mr Soulat /FR
Tampere-Finland FCI10- 01.09.2013
Ina’s Fashion Aristocrat Ex1 in Junior Class , CQ, CAC and Best Male 2!!!Judge:Irina Poletaeva
German Winner- Leipzig 25.08.2013
SBIS Epic Known , Ex1 in Open Class, VDH, CAC , CACIB , BOB , German Winner 2013 and New German Champion!!!!Ina’s Fashion Authentic, Ex1 in Junior Class, JVDH , JCAC, JBOB and Junior German Winner 2013!!!Judge: Prof.Mr P.Friedrich / DE
Visby/Sweden- International and Sighthound Specialty 24-26.08.2013
National show- Mlada Boleslav, Czech – 24.08.2013
Ina’s Fashion Adorable was Ex1 , JCAC , JBOB.Judge:Ubrova Libuse /CZ
Joensuu 3 days show-Finland 9-11.08.13
Amazing Depute as an adult from Junior class at the age of 9 months old for Ina’s Fashion Aristocrat winning 3xCAC and BOS!!!