02.08.2014 (64 Greyhounds entered)
Judge:Mrs Eli-Marie Klepp/NOR
photos by L.Hessling and J.Ganzeveld
Ina’s Fashion Blessed Very Promising 1 and BOB Puppy!
Ina’s Fashion Bright Very Promising 1 and BOS puppy!
Ina’s Fashion Avant-Garde Ex4 in Intermediate Class
Ina’s Fashion Authentic Ex1 in Open Class , VDH and RCAC
Epic Known Ex2 in Champion Class, RVDH
03.08.2014 (53 Greyhounds entered)
Judge:Prof.Dr.Peter Friedrich/DE
photos by L.Hessling and J.Ganzeveld
Ina’s Fashion Blessed Very Promising 1 and BOS Puppy!
Ina’s Fashion Bright Very Promising 1 BOB puppy and BEST IN SHOW 4 under Mr Jarmo Vuorinen /FI !
Ina’s Fashion Avant-Garde Ex2 in Intermediate Class, RVDH
Ina’s Fashion Authentic Ex1 in Open Class , VDH and RCAC
Epic Known Ex2 in Champion Class , RVDH