Bougthon Baggio x Epic Known
D.O.B 31.01.2014
German Champion (VDH & DWZRV)
Danish Champion
VDH Spring Winner 2016
Amsterdam Winner 2015 , BOB and Shortlisted for Best In Group
Winner Donaueschingen 2015 , BOB (66 Greyhounds) and BIS#4
FCI Euro Sighthound 2015
Vice Sighthound of The Year 2016(DWZRV)
CRUFTS Junior Class Winner 2015
CRUFTS limit class winner 2016
Junior World Winner 2015 , JBOB and JBIG#3 at the WDS 2015
Benelux Junior Winner 2014 and Finalist for 6 BIS Junior of all Breeds
Junior German Sighthound Club Winner 2015 (Verbandsjugendsieger 2015)
German Junior Champion (DWZRV)
Italian Junior Champion
Luxembourg Junior Champion and JBIS #2 at the Annual Club show 2015
Donaueschingen BIS#4 Puppy 2014
Gelsenkirchen BIS Puppy 2014
Hannover Sighthound Specialty BIS Baby
VDH Spring Winner 2016
Amsterdam Winner 2015 , BOB and Shortlisted for Best In Group
Winner Donaueschingen 2015 , BOB (66 Greyhounds) and BIS#4
Crufts Junior Class Winner 2015
Junior World Winner 2015 , JBOB and JBIG#3 at the WDS 2015
Gelsenkirchen Sighthound Specialty BEST IN SHOW Puppy 2014